January 08, 2007

Wahid : Bismillah..

Nothing to say.takde mood. Risau coz my Inter-Varsity Engineering Challenge dah nak dekat. Cuak sangat. Rasa macam tak bersedia langsung. Erk, this entry supposed to be about my new blog tapi aku dah melalut pulak. Just one thing, harap2 nya this will be my last blog. Asyik buat blog jer tapi x penahnye kekal.hehe.

Okla,need to do some programming practice for the ivec thing.damn.

p/s- wish me luck.(i am asking this to myself coz who the hell will read my blog at this moment?
*wink* I mean..at THIS MOMENT jer. Maknanya lepas ni mesti ramai yg akan baca blog
aku. Sekarang memangla,aku x bgtau sape2 lagi bout this blog.ha ha har.) Satu saja
kupinta.agar tak memalukan UTP di IVEC nanti.hee hee. kla,panjang plak p/s nih.

pen off

You Play it Cool
You're not in your face, smokin' hot... and it's all by design
You have a carefully crafted cool persona, leaving everyone wanting to know just a little more.