November 04, 2007

37 : Bebas aku

Seperti burung aku ingin terbang.
Langit luas bukan halangan.
Ke bintang-bintang kutuju.
Bunga angkasa yang kurindu.
Biar patah sayap.
Biar lelah dadaku.
Tak kan sekali goyahkan.
Kerna aku sudah bebas.

Kejora,kau pasti kumiliki.

October 30, 2007

36 : Tulus

Once - Aku Mau

Kau boleh acuhkan diriku
Dan anggap ku tak ada
Tapi takkan merubah perasaanku
Kuyakin pasti suatu saat
Semua kan terjadi
Kau kan mencintaiku
Dan tak akan pernah melepasku
Aku mau mendampingi dirimu
Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu
Selalu bersedia bahagiakanmu
Apapun terjadi
Kujanjikan aku ada
Kau boleh jauhi diriku
Namun kupercaya
Kau kan mencintaiku
Dan tak akan pernah melepasku
Aku mau mendampingi dirimu
Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu
Aku yang rela terluka
Untuk masa lalu

35: Of being strong

Hari ini 30 Oktober 2007 dan ini adalah entri saya yang pertama untuk bulan ini. That's sufficient to show how busy I am this month. With Hari Raya, assignments,projects,tests,quizzes,reports etc. So many things had happened and surely, I wont share all of them here. Haha. Only tonight I got 'mood' to type something. Just to make myself feel better. I know this pain wont heal. And it doesn't worth it at all for me to weep on it. Stupid I am. I know it from the beginning but nothing can stop me from thinking about it for almost evry breath I take. Kan bagus kalau aku mengingati Allah sebanyak itu. T_T

Nadiah, you must do your best for your final exam !!! Now just focus on that.

September 29, 2007

34: Masa yang berlalu

Pejam celik pejam celik, dah nak masuk Syawal dah. Dah nak masuk bulan Oktober. Masa terlalu pantas berlari. Tahun depan aku akan jadi 3rd year student then do my internship then become a final year student! Dah terasa sangat tua already.

- Apa yang aku dapat dan belajar selama hampir 3 tahun kat UTP ni?
- Adakah aku puas hati dengan apa yang aku capai hari ini?
- Is this what I wish to be?

There're a lot questions to answer. And I am so afraid to answer them coz I cant bear to see the results. Nad,nad,nad,nad. Allah masih memberi masa lagi untuk kamu berusaha mencari jawapan yang terbaik untuk setiap soalan di atas. Everything's in your hand!

P/s - Semoga keberkatan Ramadhan al-Mubarak ini memberikan sedikit tempias untuk hati yang kering kontang ini.

September 19, 2007

33: Cinta Hakiki

Amiiiin ya Rabbal 'alamiiiiin....

September 14, 2007

32: No Title

I really hate it to say this.
Argh, nobody's reading this blog anyway.
aku dah jatuh hati.
Macam mana jatuh hati tu?
Erk. Susahnya nak terangkan.
Macam ni la.
You'll feel like your heart and mind are not with you anymore.
And I HATE it.

September 03, 2007

31 : Jauh.

Semakin dalam, semakin jauh pula.
Aku terlalu yakin.
Aku goyah.

Mungkin ini bukan kehendak-Nya.

Semakin dekat, semakin hatiku sakit.
Terlalu kuat naluri itu.
Terlalu pedih hakikat itu.

Mungkin aku bukan untuknya.
Gambar di sebelah terlalu ceria untuk sajak ini.kalau
boleh digelar sajak la. Tapi tak pe,sejuk mata tengok
adik yang comel ni. Terubat hati :)

September 01, 2007

30 : Wau Cantek

Sekitar pertandingan
Wau Cantik sempena Independence Week'07
30 August 2007
Atas Kafe Lembaran V2,UTP
Group kitorg, kumpulan "Next year gi intern" dpt 4th place out of 8. Not bad,kan? hehe.
Credit to Shima selaku event manager yg bjaya. Congratz2 :)

August 26, 2007

29 : Something to ponder

"Sometimes people just dont understand. But sometimes too, understanding them is just enough."

-- Farah xcaye aku yang reka sendirik ayat neh. ahaha. aku kan jiwang~ --

August 24, 2007

29 : Antara Dua Cinta

Apa yang ada jarang disyukuri

Apa yang tiada sering dirisaukan

Nikmat yang dikecap baru kan terasa bila hilang

Apa yang diburu timbul rasa jemu

Bila sudah di dalam genggaman

Dunia ibarat air laut

Diminum hanya menambah haus

Nafsu bagaikan fatamorganadi padang pasir

Panas yang membahang disangka air

Dunia dan nafsu bagai bayang-bayang

Dilihat ada ditangkap hilang

Tuhan.. leraikanlah duniaYang mendiam di dalam hatiku

Kerana di situ tidak ku mampu

Mengumpul dua cinta

Hanya cintaMu ku harap tumbuh

Dibajai bangkai dunia yang kubunuh

P/s- Lagu daripada Raihan.Lirik yang begitu indah.

28 : We ROQ~!

Rememberance Of al-Quds
21 August 2007
Kami bepakaian serba hitam besempena tarikh di atas. Teringat kata-kata Mr Grant Ellis, our EMT's lecturer sebaik saja kami masuk kelas," Why are you wearing all black?Are you going to kill me?". And he's joking. He's always like that. By the way, ROQ was not just about wearing black, at least I should be thinking of the suffering of Umat Islam in Palestin. Moga Allah mebuka jalan untuk aku menyumbang buat mereka dan Islam.

August 13, 2007

August 05, 2007

26 : Hanya kasih-Mu yang kudamba.

Semakin jauh ku dari-Mu
Semakin dekat pula Kau menghampiri daku
Oh, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih
Siapalah diriku di pandangan-Mu

Semakin cuba ku dekati
Semakin kuat pula Kau mendugai aku
Oh, Tuhan Yang Maha Sempurna
Kerdilnya diriku di hadapan-Mu

Bagaimanakah nantinya tika berhadapan dengan-Mu
Sudikah Kau menerima hamba-Mu yang hina ini
Ya Allah Kau Maha Pengampun

Di bayangan mentari aku kealpaan
Dusta dunia penuh kepura-puraan
Di kala dini hari aku kepasrahan
Mendamba jernih embun kasih sayang-Mu Oh Tuhan

Andainya dihitung amalanku
Belum pasti dapat ku hampiri gerbang syurga-Mu
Oh Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah
Hindari diriku dari siksa-Mu? Oh Tuhan

Kasih sayang-Mu Tuhan
Itu yang ku dambakan
Dengan rahmat-Mu ampunilah diriku..
Ya Allah..
Maka benarlah
Bahawa hanya cinta-Mu yang hakiki
Bahawa selama ini aku alpa

August 04, 2007

25 : This kinda feeling..

Who loves you?
No one.

I guess I should learn how to love myself first.

July 29, 2007

24: The Best KL's Moment Ever

Last Friday and Saturday, I'd had the best time ever in KL. I've been hanging out around KL since I'm 17 and sometimes I felt myself as part of it. Even I never spent so much time at my hometown,Muar as I did to KL.(yela,apa yang ada kat Muar kan..pekan kecil yang aman damai,indah dan permai). Yet, Muar is still the best place to settle down a family and live happily ever after~ (and Terengganu too~!) Ok2, forget about Muar and Terengganu. Let's focus on KL the best place for shopping spree.Hehe.

So on that Friday, 27.07.2007 (a beautiful date,kan?) off we went to KL with Filzah as the driver's of her Najah (blue satria) and me as co-pilot and Syaza,Tim and Shima as the 'penceria keadaan'.Hehe.The main purpose of me coming to KL all the way from Tronoh is to watch my abah's convocation day, must be the most precious day of his life. And for me myself, it was so great a day and it was damn much more than just watching my dad on stage receiving his holy certificate. There was a feeling that's hard to explain, a feel of proud and joy mixed with kinda feeling that made me wanna cry. It's just his great attitude and hard work through his study years touched my heart. Abah couldn't afford to study in university when he was young because of money matters.Now, in his late forties he finally received Bachelor of Education (Mathematics), his dream of 20 years back then. I'm really proud of you,abah!

Actually the best part is about me riding Putra and Star with my parents and Imi for the first time. And it was the first time experience for my parents. Like what my mum jokingly said to my friends, "Tak kesahla pegi mana2 pun,asalkan dapat naik LRT". Haha. Then, kami jalan2 ke Sogo, Jalan Masjid India and KL Sentral. I realized that my mum loved so much being in Masjid India, the colourful kain baju kurung and tudung impressed her and I remember her saying " Lawanya baju2 kat sini,lain dengan kat Tangkak. Sayangnya,baju raya semua mak dh beli,siap dah tempah."

Seronoknyer...alhamdulillah (^_^)~

July 25, 2007

23 : Mesej Yang Tidak Diduga

Sebentar tadi,sedang aku tengah duk bukak page kt friendster,saje tengok2 page member2..tiba2 henset aku berbunyik..Then,aku pn bace r,sapela bagi mesej mlm2 ni

"Nad.Teko (bukan nama sebenar) amek arab.dia ada kat

Cis~~ tibe2 aku rase nak cekik2 je muka dia. Mesti derang tengah gelak2 dgn harapan aku akan jeles sbb aku asyik gelakkan derang je kene gi kls arab malam2. Lepas ni mesti derang lg semangat gi kelas tu. Huwaaaaaa saket ati..~~!!

tolong eh.mmg aku marah tp aku memang x jeles~~!!!! (berdebar nak tunggu derang balik dari kelas,mesti derang akn citer mcm2 nk wat aku jeles! Xpe,yang penting,aku nk cooolll je~~~) haha.adeyh..bilela nk jdk matured?

July 18, 2007

22 : Why love?


You gave me thousands hope
When everything seems to fall apart

You brought to me happiness
But only a glimpse of it

You told me not to cry
When he walks away

You made me so nervous
Whenever he's around

You made others laughed at me

You made others mad at me

You told me he's everything
When actually he's nothing

You scolded me when I feel like giving up
To love him

The worst is,
You made me thinking of nothing but HIM.

I Hate You So Much

love....that's why i hate you so much!

21: New

It's a brand new sem again. It's always good to be in the situation where the semester is about to begin because people used to think that we can start all over again at this time.It's like starting from zero. But just to feel good isn't enough. I have to work really hard so that the 'feel-good' will survive till the end of the semester which I never succeed before.

- positive thinking
- brave
- hardworking
- never care what people say as long as you are right
- matured ---> this is the hardest part (^_^")

This semester the world will see the brand new of me dignified with those mentioned above. Ahaha.. ops,I'm supposed to be serious..

Moga Allah permudahkan.

May 27, 2007

20: sedih

sedih aku...sedih..sedih sangat...tak tau nak luah kat sape..sedih sangattttt

May 24, 2007

19 : X yah baca! merapu je ni

Alhamdulillah.. dah selesai final exam. Kesimpulannya aku dah berjaya menghabiskan satu lagi semester kat UTP ni. Ada lagi 5 sem je lepastu dah grad..then keje..then kawin (kalau ade org nak la). Cepat betul masa berlalu...serius sangat2 cepat. Bila dah kat U ni, teringat zaman sekolah dulu..kalau boleh memang nak pegi balik zaman sekolah tu, nak rase balik kenangan duduk kat asrama dengan kawan2 dan nak ubah apa2 yang patut atau nak buat balik apa2 yang kita x sempat buat dulu. Tapi, peluang hanya sekali.

Apala aku merepek ni. Esok nak pegi Langkawi. Cuti2 Malaysia la konon2nya. Tapi aku xde perasaan langsung. Huhu. Camnela nak datangkan balik mood ni. Mood~~~ mood~~~ datanglaa...boleh ke panggil camni? Rasa tak sedap hati pun ada. Semoga kami selamat pergi dan pulang. Cuti kali ni, aku akan bercuti segala2 nya. Dengan tiada henset dan nombor sape2..maybe aku takkan contact ngan sape2 buat sementara waktu. Contact dengan nombor henset yg aku hafal jela nampaknya. Itupun kalau aku beli henset baru..Kalau boleh, tak nak beli henset..huhu. Tapi kene beli gak.....huwaaaaaa takkan asyik pakai kredit orang je.

Gile merapu aku harini. Aku nak tulis pasal benda lain sebenarnye. Tapi dia xnak keluar2 gak. Cerita lain pulak yang keluar. Arrr, xpela biarlah rahsia. Tak sabar nak jumpa mak,abah,abang,eman,adin,imi,atuk,tok wan, mak lang, pak lang, hakim,mie ngan aliff. Sangat2 rindu.... susah aku nak rindu orang ni tapi sekarang aku memang sangat rinduuuu. Ketidakstabilan emosi semaki berleluasa. Baik aku berhenti sekarang. baik aku gi packing beg. Huhu. i come~~~~ (cuba untuk excited)

May 12, 2007

18 : Impian

Impian aku ialah pergi ke tempat2 seperti dalam gambar di atas. Kalau dapat, teringin sangat nak menjelajah seluruh Eropah dan negara-negara Timur Tengah seperti Mesir dan Jordan. Bukan sekadar melancong, tapi belajar sesuatu dari sana. Dan lagi seronok kalau dapat pergi dengan yang tersayang (^_^) . Haha. Jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan.
  • P/s - Next week is going to be the final exam. Yet I still have time writing this. He he. All the best to my frens ~ Semoga kejayaan milik kita dan moga kejayaan itu yang terbaik untuk kita dunia dan akhirat. Amiin..

May 09, 2007

17 : The colour of brain,huh?

Your Brain is Orange

Of all the brain types, yours is the quickest.
You are usually thinking a mile a minute, and you could be thinking about anything at all.
Your thoughts are often scattered and random - but they're also a lot of fun!

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about esoteric subjects, the meaning of life, and pop culture.

P/s - Quick? Someyimes maybe..but it's so true that I could be thinking about almost anything. Haha. Filz, do this :)

April 29, 2007

16: Blog

What have I done to my blog?
Aaaaaaaaaaaa help me~~~!
Didn't save my previous template and now I have to stick with this new one until I have time to edit it back..huuuu~~~
P/s ; Dont mess around with things u dont really know. erm, after all..I can never learn if I didn't try it,huh? It's ok then..caiyokk nad~!! Ganbatte kudasaii~! (^_^)

April 25, 2007

15: Syaza Dan Awan

Di suatu malam. Dalam perjalanan pulang dari Kedai Desasiswa Village 4.

  • Tim memegang beberapa biji coklat Cloud 9 kegemarannya yang baru saja dibeli dari kedai tersebut.
  • Biasala, Tim ni barang dia susah nak handle sket. Dengan tidak semenanya, coklat
    kesayangan dia tu terlepas dari genggamannya lantas jatuh bergelimpangan di atas
  • Melihat peluang keemasan di depan mata, aku dengan rakusnya terus menerkam ke arah
    coklat-coklat yang malang itu dengan niat jahat untuk merompak coklat itu dari Tim.
  • Melihatkan aksi2 riang kami itu, tiba-tiba syaza menjadi amat teruja dan terus
    cuba untuk menjoin aku mempau coklat Tim. Kire dia nak jadi rakan kongsi aku secara
    tidak langsung ar. Sibok je.
  • Dan yang paling tak tahan, tanpa disedari Syaza telah mengungkapkan kata-kata ini,
    "Wah..coklat jatuh dari awan!" Pada mulanya kami agak blurr ,cuma ada rasa agak
    pelik terhadap frasa dan gaya tatabahasa ayat Syaza itu. Macam ada yang tak kena.
  • Luckily, Shima berjaya mendetect kesalahan tatabahasa tersebut. Shima memang
    expert dalam hal2 camni.hehe.Ape??Awan???hahahhaha.
    Bukan ke orang selalu cakap, jatuh dari langit..Cam hape je jatuh dari awan..(dan gelak
    lagi hahahha~~~)
  • Dan malam itu bermulalah kisah Syaza dan Awannya. Kami puas bergelak ketawa.

    P/s- Antara kami, x boleh ada silap cakap sikit. Kalau tak, abesla jadik bahan gelak ketawa. Hehe.

April 24, 2007


Di suatu petang yang sejuk dek hujan lebat. Bertempat di bilik aku.
Tim : Nad, tu gambar jentik2 ke?
Nad : Mana jentik2?? Pelik giler.Bila masa lak aku ada simpan gambar jentik2.
Tim : Tu haa, wallpaper ko tu...
Nad : Ler....ko ni Tim..tak de seni ar..(gelak hahahaha)
P/s - Tim, ko lampi sejuta~~! hahaha yes2 Punyalah lawa gambar tu,ko cakap
jentik2. Adeih...(-_-)" [lampi = lambat pick up]

April 21, 2007

13 : Teman

Sejak akhir-akhir ini, aku selalu berhadapan dengan konflik dengan insan bernama teman/kawan ni. Ada je yang tak kena. Ada je rasa tak puas hati tu. Ada je rasa kecik hati tu. Atau aku dah terlebih sensitif akhir2 ni? Dan yang lebih peritnya, semua tu aku tanggung seorang diri. Tak berani nak beritahu kat kawan yang terlibat. Tak berani - sampai bila entah aku kena terus camni.

Lastly, I keep everything to myself. Selalunya akan jadi camtu. Tak puas hati ke,kecik hati ke,aku je yang tau. Macam tak berbaloi kan? Tak boleh nak cerita kat orang lain gak, sebab tak sedap hati nak cerita keburukan kawan sendiri. Dan selalunya, perkara tu akan terbiar macam tu sahaja,seperti terbang ditiup angin then lama2 aku akan lupa. Alhamdulillah~ tapi.......masalahnya lately, things didn't happen the way it used to be. Aku selalu pulak teringat2 perasaan2 yang tak menyenangkan tu. lepas tu, mula la nak rasa sedih2, mengada-ngada betol. Tak boleh biasekan ni,nanti manja sangat!! hehe.. (teringat my abah yang selalu manjakan aku :p)

Aaa, rasanya ni entry paling mengarut. Tapi ni first time kot aku luahkan perasaan aku kat sini selalunya aku akan pilih untuk simpan sahaja. The story is not detail though coz I dun want to remember that again. Cukuplah sampai sini je, yang penting aku dah dapat bezakan yang mana intan yang mana kaca. Siapakah kawan aku di ketika gembira dan di ketika kami bergelak sakan sahaja serta..siapakah kawan yang setia di sisi di ketika aku dalam kesusahan, waktu aku betul2 perlukan pertolongan dan sokongan diorang. Aku dah tau....dan aku berazam untuk jadi kawan yang baik untuk kawan2 ku (^_^) Sebelum aku fikir pasal apa yang kawan2 aku dah buat untuk aku, baik aku fikir...apakah yang aku dah buat untuk kawan2 aku?

P/s - Rindu kat Didie yang sedang berada kat Sitiawan sekarang. (Kem Bina Insan anjuran PSSCM) Semoga Didie tabah di sana. Didie, nad rasa sedih tak dapat nak teman Didie. Nad doakan dari sini k. Moga Tuhan balas kebaikan yang Didie buat dengan kebaikan yang berlipat ganda.

Didie, nad promot nie..hehe

12 : Tafakur

by Diwani

Ya Allah... Ya Allah...
Ya Allah... Ya Allah...
Ya Allah... Ya Allah...
Ya Allah... Ya Allah...

Di keheningan malam
Tafakur di kesyahduan
Merindui janji-Mu Tuhan
Bantuan di perjuangan

Kutitiskan air mata
Taubat segala dosa
Moga terangkat penghijab kalbu
Antara kau dan aku

( ramai )
Di keheningan malam
Tafakur di kesyahduan
Merindui janji-Mu Tuhan
Bantuan di perjuangan

( ramai )
Kutitiskan air mata
Taubat segala dosa
Moga terangkat penghijab kalbu
Antara kau dan aku

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku
Kusujud pada kudrat-Mu
Kuserahkan jiwa ragaku
Pada takdir iradat-Mu

Pimpinlah daku dalam redha-Mu
Kasihi daku dalam rahmat-Mu
Hanya pada-Mu aku mengadu
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku

( ramai )
Di keheningan malam
Tafakur di kesyahduan
Merindui janji-Mu Tuhan
Bantuan di perjuangan

( ramai )
Kutitiskan air mata
Taubat segala dosa
Moga terangkat penghijab kalbu
Antara kau dan aku

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku
Ku sujud pada kudrat-Mu
Ku serahkan jiwa ragaku
Pada takdir iradhat-Mu

( ramai )
Pimpinlah daku dalam redha-Mu
Kasihi daku dalam rahmat-Mu
Hanya pada-Mu aku mengadu
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku
Ku sujud pada kudrat-Mu
Ku serahkan jiwa ragaku
Pada takdir iradhat-Mu

( ramai )
Pimpinlah daku dalam redha-Mu
Kasihi daku dalam rahmat-Mu
Hanya padamu aku mengadu
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku

Ya Allah... Ya Allah...
Ya Allah... Ya Allah...
Ya Allah... Ya Allah...
Ya Allah... Ya Allah...

Syahdu rasa bila dengar lagu ni. Terlalu banyak dosa namun sangat sedikit aku bertaubat. Dah lama tak menitiskan air mata keinsafan.......Lagu ni yang membawa kemenangan pada kumpulan In-Saff malam tadi di Malam Inspirasi Seni 2007 bersempena dengan Kempen Heart For Islam,UTP. Seronok bila kumpulan In-Saff menang, dari dulu suka dengan kumpulan ni maybe sebab pemilihan lagu dan penyampaian diorang yang menginsafkan. Aku lebih suka tengok persembahan yang menusuk jiwa (cewah..hehe) dan memberi kesan mendalam berbanding yang menghiburkan dan gempak semata2. Btw,semua persembahan malam tu best2 dan mantap. Agak terkejut sebab juara bertahan, Zaufan,x menang sebab they had done a great perfomance~ erm..xde rezeki.Takpe,yang penting niat nak berdakwah tu tercapai =) Marilah menyokong hiburan Islam ~ (^_^)

April 14, 2007

11: Life

You dont call it LIFE if it's without ups and downs. Bila kita di bawah, bermakna Tuhan beri kita masa dan peluang untuk beringat dan bermuhasabah akan kelemahan, kekurangan dan kesilapan yang dah kita lakukan. Sebab, bila kita di atas, kita mudah lupa dan leka dengan nikmat kesenangan itu. Selagi tak ditimpa kesusahan, selagi tula manusia akan lupakan Tuhan. Ya Allah, ampunkan dosaku............................

April 10, 2007

'Asyarah : EEJAN05

EEJAN05 stands for Electrical Electronics Engineering batch January 2005. This evening, we had a photograph session for our batch for the first time. Alhamdulillah, many of us showed up their faces eventhough we faced some problems to make this session a success. Yet there were still quite a number of us who didn't show their cooperation. I'am quite disappointed with this kind of attitude.Maybe they don't like kinda group activity like this. Or they prefer to work alone. Or maybe they don't want to waste their time taking damn batch pictures. Yela. It's just a photo. A piece of paper with our face on it plus our classmates'. How to tell you guys?It's a nothing,buang masa je. (I am trying to put myself in their shoes)

My point is simple. I joined the photograph session because I believe that the photo we captured together will be very meaningful when all of us are not UTPians anymore. The chance that we forgot each other is very high so the photo will help us to remember each other's names and faces for years ahead. A picture worths 1000 words,rite?Maybe it's nothing now but one day, it will be something to smile on. It's not only a photo. It carries together unforgettable memories. One more thing, I joined the session to show my ccoperation to every activity done within us. (batch eejan05) If each of us thought that those activities are useless and wasting time, then we don't need to have a batch.

Pen off

April 01, 2007

Tis'ah : A Signal

RESPECT others if u want them to respect u. Ok?
-ok boss~!

Thamaniah : Nervous

See how nervous I am to face all these tough things through this one-week time :

1. Signal & System 's Test 2 ( Tomorrow,Monday)
2. Signal & System 's Tutorial 6 submission (Tomorrow gak. which i didn't even
reach half of it )
3. Microprocessor 's Lab Test + DSD assignment (Tuesday) horrror~~!
4. DSD's Lab 4 (Wednesday.haven't prepare a thing.only a bit research.waa)
5. Presentation for Signal & System (Thursday.This is where everyone can
obviously see how nervous I am! aaaaaa )
6. Numerical method's Quiz 2 (Friday)

P/s - Disebabkan semua ni la, aku tak dapat nak join Program Interaksi PSSCM UTP sampai hari Ahad. Dapat tolong AJK Makanan sampai hari Sabtu je. Sorry korang ~ really enjoy working out the food for the day walaupun penat giler (x pernah rase penat camni seumur hidup.a bit series,mmg penat!). Tapi yang penting, pengalaman memasak untuk 100 orang ni tak kan datang selalu and I am really happy with it (^_^)

March 27, 2007

Sab'ah : Unwritten

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Oh, oh, oh
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten

Oh, yeah, yeah

Song by Natasha Bedingfield
:. A theme song from Pantene's commercial break, a nice song yet meaningful. Dah lama carik lagu ni, thanks Filzah. Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you ! I'll remember that.

March 25, 2007

Sittah: Sakit

I got flu, cough and headache. And heartache. Friends, we're friend without a reason, rite? Aku tidak berkawan dengan korang sebab korang pandai, cantik, famous, ada kereta atau kaya. Aku berkawan sebab aku memang perlukan seorang kawan. To share everything through good and bad times. To be there when you need me. To be happy for your good times. To support you when you're down.To give opinion when I feel that you are wrong or rite.To have you there reminding me when I'm wrong. To share gossips, stories and secrets. To love you always. And just to feel that there is someone by myside.

Love you all my frens, you are all the queens of my heart =)

P/s : To Farah,Tim,Filzah,Syaza,Shima,Didie,Lubna,Rafaa,Bessy dan kawan2 lain di serata dunia.hehe. Syaza~~ hepi besday!! May God bless u.

March 21, 2007

Khomsah : Beauty Is Only Skin Deep~

Which one do you want to choose? Live the rest of your life with an extremely handsome and hot guy or a beautiful and gorgeous woman
Have a someone with a very sincere heart as your life partner..??
P/s - I'll definitely go for the second option coz beauty is only skin deep! If someone is beautiful inside then he/she is really hot. Else, he/she is ugly! :P
Pen off

March 02, 2007

Arba'ah : Syukur

akhirnya pc sihat kembali.tiada lagi masalh skrin biru yg memang menensyenkan.erm,the price i have to pay for this- RM 90.00 . mula2 anta kat kedai komputer kat Taman Maju,yang sederet dengan Kedai Rahmath (org Tronoh je tau ni).hehe. kene byr RM50.00,dia cakap hard disk rosak. yg geramnya,bukan dia repair pun,makin teruk komputer tu jadik adela.sabor jela.hampir dua minggu takde komputer.nak gila gak la takde komputer nih.tapi,in other perspective,ada kebaikannya gak.kurang sikit masa aku terbuang untuk benda yang bukan2.heheh.dan masa tu diisikan dengan tidur sepanjang hidup takde komputer nih.haha. then~ nasib baik my fren, Kenneth nak tolong repairkan,satu malam dia x tidur sebab nk repairkan pc aku.memang terharu r.huhu.kalau tau,hantar kat Ken je awal2,tak payah anta kat kedai tu.hampes tol.dahla cekik duit orang. (sedihnya kedai tu kedai org Melayu.*sigh*) Aku bayar kat Ken RM40.00, berbaloila..dia x tido malam repair pc aku pastu siap dapat recover balik file2 yg ada kat dalam tu.hepinyer~ thanks Ken!

February 19, 2007

Thalatha : Terengganu guys =p

I dunno since when i do have this kinda weird feeling towards Tganu people. Especially guys la. Coz aku selalu tertarik kat orang2 tganu ni.ha ha. Tak tau la pulak apa yang spesel sangat diorang nih. Yang aku perasan la, orang tganu ni biasanya pemalu, matang dan suka buat lawak plus sweeeeet. ha ha. (ulat bulu dah naik.gatal giler).

1st time aku jejakkan kaki ke bumi Tganu masa join Special Technical Program fotr Petronas Scholar. 3 minggu aku habiskan masa di bumi Darul Iman tersebut. (mcm esei BM SPM lak) Mase 3 minggu tu dah cukup untuk buat aku jatuh cinta dengan keindahan dan ketenangan negeri Tganu. Pantainya..Tasik Kenyir..dan orang2 kat sana..Memang best! And i dun mind spending the rest of my life there! (what does that mean,huh?**wink**). ha ha. But whatever it is, jodoh pertemuan ajal maut adalah di tangan Tuhan =p

Atas: Tasik Kenyir , Bawah :Muzium Terengganu

p/s- Actually, this ulat-bulu-dah-naik-daun syndrom is caused by a sudden chit-chat with a Tganu guy through gtalk.ahah~ then u know why out of sudden i wanna talk about this Terengganu stuff.ha ha. But... Tganu people is really great.(not all,ok?so jangan ada yg perasan pulak =p) Am i rite? I think i need to talk to Sultan terengganu after this, ye r..he definitely has to pay me sumthing for writing this! ehehe..

pen off


February 18, 2007

Ithnani: Chinese New Year

The title has nothing to do with me coz i never celebrate CNY ,wait..when i was a cute lil' child..i alwiz went to my chinese neighbour's house to go and get angpow during CNY...yeayy at least i do have sweet memories on CNY,rite?he he.

Actually today is a CNY holiday and everyone is gone. Except me and shima here at our beloved apartment (wow.apartment.i am great at making things sound extra i?). Everyone is gone for their beloved hometowns. Hey..i'm not writing this to say that i'm homesick. That's not going to happen to a matured 20-year-old LADY like that i'm becoming a lady, i have to learn being like one. A fine lady can stand by her own feet,what i mean is she do need a family but she can survive without them around for quite a long time. Hey, now it's time to say goodbye for crying babies..hehe do i sound matured enough???

Today i learn sumthing. To know whether u r a lonely person or not. First, check out ur handphone. Do you receive any messages,call or even a missed call? Then, check out ur messnger list. For me, i'll check my yahoo and gtalk. See how many of ur fren is online. the most important part is, how many of them had buzzed u today? Now u can figure it out by urself...Are u a lonely person or not??I've done this to myself..and the result is..i'm not!! haha.coz i got one sms from tim and i had a chat with 2 person today..kak didi (my brother's girlfren.this is my first time chat with her and i have kind of feeling that she is trying hard to be closed to all sumone's girlfren alwiz do that?) and abg zayd (erm..this abg zayd kan..i know..he only pm me when tim is not around! haha but never mind..i dun really care). see...i'm not a lonely person!

p/s- erm..i'm writing too much after quite a long time.actually..i really feel lonely today.that's why i'm doing all that crap above.haha.thanks to mr old fren who ignored me when i buzzed him at ym.mybe he's busy giving angpow rite now..but i wonder why he's being so cold lately?**sigh** okla i gonna stop this.

pen off

January 08, 2007

Wahid : Bismillah..

Nothing to say.takde mood. Risau coz my Inter-Varsity Engineering Challenge dah nak dekat. Cuak sangat. Rasa macam tak bersedia langsung. Erk, this entry supposed to be about my new blog tapi aku dah melalut pulak. Just one thing, harap2 nya this will be my last blog. Asyik buat blog jer tapi x penahnye kekal.hehe.

Okla,need to do some programming practice for the ivec thing.damn.

p/s- wish me luck.(i am asking this to myself coz who the hell will read my blog at this moment?
*wink* I THIS MOMENT jer. Maknanya lepas ni mesti ramai yg akan baca blog
aku. Sekarang memangla,aku x bgtau sape2 lagi bout this blog.ha ha har.) Satu saja
kupinta.agar tak memalukan UTP di IVEC nanti.hee hee. kla,panjang plak p/s nih.

pen off

You Play it Cool
You're not in your face, smokin' hot... and it's all by design
You have a carefully crafted cool persona, leaving everyone wanting to know just a little more.